Af Sögu er það að frétta að hún ætlar í smá ferðalag um helgina og er ferðinni heitið á Snæfellsnes. Gist verður á Arnarstapa og svo á Grundarfirði.
Alla vega, þetta myndskeið ætti að koma öllum í gott skap, Saga skellihlæjandi.
Svo má sjá Sögu borða graut í annað sinn, verst bara þetta babl í fullorðna fólkinu.
Þetta er svona fyrir hörðustu áhangendur, sem nenna jafnvel að horfa á dömuna borða.
Við litla fjölskyldan vonum að þið eigið góða helgi!
föstudagur, 25. maí 2007
föstudagur, 18. maí 2007
Myndir frá 1. maí og fleiri góðum stundum
Saga fór í sína fyrstu 1. maí göngu um daginn. Þótti liðtæk í Palestínu-neyðarsöfnuninni, miðað við ungan aldur, en hér fyrir neðan má sjá myndir af afrekum Sögu á baráttudeginum. Með fylgja nokkrar fleiri myndir þar sem m.a. má sjá skvísuna djúpt sokkna í fyrstu bókina sem hún eignast (Ungi lærir að synda) og af nokkrum góðum heimsóknum.
PS Svo er Mamman komin með matar-blogg...

PS Svo er Mamman komin með matar-blogg...
þriðjudagur, 15. maí 2007
About Saga
We thought it was about time to write something in English, since we know that Saga has some good friends that don't speak Icelandic.
Well, every morning Saga Evudottir Eldarsdottir literally wakes up with a smile, we talk to her a bit and then she gets "her time" - and leave her on the middle of our bed with some toys and we tell her to give us a shout when she wants to join us. We drink our coffees, read the papers and Saga just smiles, plays and talks (babbles) a lot.
She loves to be around people, talks, squeals & smiles to strangers, who often can not resist to smile back, which understandable with those two dimples in her cheeks. Going to cafés and restaurants is a lot of fun and the new thing is swimming, as you might have seen from her photos. She is practicing right now on going underwater with her head and she just laughs when she comes up.
Saga just started drinking water which she thinks is so much fun and soon we will start giving her some food (baby porridge). She roles over from the stomach to the back, likes to hold her toes and it is a lot fun to put in and out her pacifier ("snuð" in Icelandic). She wants to sit up most of the time, doesn’t want to lie down, like a baby. Her favorite artists seem to be Sufjan Stevens & Beirut.
Saga will be 5 months old, the 17th of May, it goes so fast and it feels like she is a bit bigger every morning we wake up. Today she is around 6.350 grams and 63.5 cm.
That is it for now of our little miss Saga.

Well, every morning Saga Evudottir Eldarsdottir literally wakes up with a smile, we talk to her a bit and then she gets "her time" - and leave her on the middle of our bed with some toys and we tell her to give us a shout when she wants to join us. We drink our coffees, read the papers and Saga just smiles, plays and talks (babbles) a lot.
She loves to be around people, talks, squeals & smiles to strangers, who often can not resist to smile back, which understandable with those two dimples in her cheeks. Going to cafés and restaurants is a lot of fun and the new thing is swimming, as you might have seen from her photos. She is practicing right now on going underwater with her head and she just laughs when she comes up.
Saga just started drinking water which she thinks is so much fun and soon we will start giving her some food (baby porridge). She roles over from the stomach to the back, likes to hold her toes and it is a lot fun to put in and out her pacifier ("snuð" in Icelandic). She wants to sit up most of the time, doesn’t want to lie down, like a baby. Her favorite artists seem to be Sufjan Stevens & Beirut.
Saga will be 5 months old, the 17th of May, it goes so fast and it feels like she is a bit bigger every morning we wake up. Today she is around 6.350 grams and 63.5 cm.
That is it for now of our little miss Saga.
laugardagur, 12. maí 2007
Kosningadagur runninn upp. Saga hefur farið mikinn undanfarna daga, telur baráttumál helstu stjórnmálaflokka landsins ekki vera nógu hressandi og að þá vanti stefnumótun í málefnum smákríla. Hún hefur því ásamt nokkrum félögum sínum (sem af og til birtast hérna á síðunni) stofnað nokkur ný stjórnmálaöfl síðustu vikur; Smáfylkinguna, Smályndisflokkinn, Smáhreyfinguna, Smáir-grænir og Smástæðisflokkinn. Þar hafa krílin sett á oddin alvöru málefni eins og meiri mjólk, betra aðgengi að brjóstagjöf, barnakaffihús og niðurfellingu tolla á ÖLLU dóti. Framboðslistarnir drifu hins vegar ekki til kjörstjórnar og því engin þeirra í framboði í dag.
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